Highworth Town 'A'
0 ‒ 2
Wootton Bassett TownWBTFC

WBTFC Scorers:
J Shama, J Brain

A nervous one for the coaches

This match was a tough match for both teams; any neutrals watching would have had a brilliant game to watch, for the coaching staff, the nerves couldn't have taken much more.

Bassett started the much with the majority of possession, but signs of Highworth's ability filtered through as the half went on. A few half chances arose for Bassett, but it was Highworth with the first scare of the match, and a shot, which struck the bar. Bassett continued to battle throughout this half. With Ellis Embling out due to injury, his replacement Fraser Dickson kept Bassett in the game earning himself M.O.T.M and giving Bassett a clean sheet at half time.

After a few quiet words from Bassett's coaches. Bassett finally woke up, and started the second half as the Bassett team we know, some brilliant work down the right from Seb created some good chances for the away team. The first goal finally came from Jack Brain after some great initiative to drop off of the defence to the edge of the box, he then called for the ball, set up perfectly from a throw by Josh Shama, and Jack like he does, scored a beauty from outside the box. The next goal came shortly after, This time the creator of the last goal, became the scorer of this one, as Josh tucked away a good, controlled finish, from a Neil Little corner. The last 5 minutes of the match were very edgy from Bassett, and the whole game could have been better for the away team, but three points are three points.

Well-played lads, good battling, keep it up.

Credit: Unknown
Last modified on Monday 21st December 2020 at 22:55

Highworth Town 'A'
0 ‒ 2
Wootton Bassett TownWBTFC

WBTFC Scorers:
J Shama, J Brain