Wootton Bassett TownWBTFC
0 ‒ 0
Derry Hill

WBTFC Scorers:

First point of the season for Bassett Reserves

The Town Reserves obtained their first point of the season on Saturday when Derry Hill were the visitors in a Calne and District League fixture. The Reserves ought to have just about won, but the visitors defence withstood the test, and the game ended in a draw, neither side scoring. F.C.W Drury and E. Tull, who as a result of injuries have been out of the team for nearly three months, made a welcome reappearance and played well.

The previous weeks paper had included the following squad details:

The Reserves will receive a visit from Derry Hill in a Calne and District League match tomorrow and their team will be: S. Rex; H. G. Gleed and F. Drury; F. Taylor, E. Tull and, W. Ogbourne; H. Gunter, F. Childs, R. Beazley, F. Tyler and B.R. Crawford.

Credit: North Wilts Herald 5 January 1934
Last modified on Monday 22nd February 2021 at 21:26

Wootton Bassett TownWBTFC
0 ‒ 0
Derry Hill

WBTFC Scorers: