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Wootton Bassett TownWBTFC

WBTFC Scorers:
F Childs, J G Fry, R Beazley

Bassett lose by the odd goal in seven at Cherhill

The Reserves journey (sic) to Cherhill for a Calne and District League match and a very interesting game ended in a win for the home team by the odd goal in seven. The Wootton Bassett scorers were R. Beazley, F. Childs and J.G. Fry.

The previous weeks paper had included the following squad details:

The Reserves will visit Cherhill in a Calne and District League game and the side is: S. Rex; H. G. Gleed and R. Beazley; F.Taylor, A. Gunter and J.G. Fry; D. Bull, F. Childs, W.J. Ogbourne, W. Garland and F. Kirk.

Credit: North Wilts Herald 17 November 1933
Last modified on Monday 22nd February 2021 at 21:00

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Wootton Bassett TownWBTFC

WBTFC Scorers:
F Childs, J G Fry, R Beazley