Saturday 8th June 2024
Royal Wootton Bassett Town Football Club's Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 18 July at the Gerard Buxton Sports Ground. The meeting will begin at 7.30pm.
The meeting is open to all to attend, and attendance is actively encouraged as it is a chance to shape the future direction of the club.
At the meeting, reports on the 2023-24 season from club officers will be presented, while the Executive Committee for the 2024-25season will be elected and goals for the forthcoming campaign set.
There are currently three vacancies on the Executive Committee for which volunteers are sought. These are:
Head of Youth Section
Commercial Manager
Club Development Officer
Anyone wishing to stand for election for these positions must, as per the club's Constitution, be nominated by both a Proposer and Seconder no later than 21 days before the AGM (27 June 2024).
Nominations must be made to club Secretary Ian Thomas by email.
All other members currently in Executive Committee positions are willing to stand again if elected.
The full agenda and nominations for officers is listed below.
1. Apologies for absence
2. One minute silence
3. Committee who's who
4. Sports Association
5. Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
6. Presentation of Balance Sheets
7. Presentation of Reports
8. Amendments to Club Rules / Constitution
9. Election of Officers, Management Committee and Auditors
10. Club Status and Objectives for Season 2024-25
11. Any other business for which prior written notification has been received by the Club Secretary no later than 21 days before the AGM or as may be allowed by the Chairperson
Chairperson: Paul Gerrish
Vice Chairperson: Pete Yeardley
Treasurer: Mike Price
Secretary: Ian Thomas
Youth Section Secretary: Simon Jones
Head of Men's Senior Section: Paul Davis
Head of Youth Section: Vacant - nominations sought
Head of Women's and Girls' Section: Bryan Wood
Head of Veterans' Section: Martin Ohrland
Club Development Officer: Vacant - nominations sought
Commercial Manager: Vacant - nominations sought
General Committee: Craig Moreton
Welfare Officer (not voteable): Mandy Cox and Ian Thomas
Respect Officer (not voteable): Amanda Rouse